About Us

Our Story

Afacan Plastic

What matters the most when it comes to craftsmanship? ,

– Time?
– Patience?

Time and patience alone is not enough, one must remain loyal to their art.

It takes effort to make the best but; making the best for everyone is only possible with mastery obtained through years  of experience. Since 1980 when we started this business, we knew how long and the road was.

Each time with the same care, with the same ardour to make the best and the perfect the products we rolled up our sleeves, years ago…


One of the main aspects of human development, technology, shaped throughout the ages. At times its structure was changed to make it stronger. At times it was used everywhere to make life easier for all humanity.

The journey to eco-friendly and innovative manufacturing committed to innovation that shaped Industrial Cleaning and Medical Products industries started in 1980 in Samsun with our chairman Mr. Osman ABANOZ. Our company started its business life by manufacturing baby pacifiers using hand presses. We are continuing the manufactury of wet area equipments, plastic, health products, infected waste bins, paper and foam soap dispensers, domestic and industrial waste bins, dust pans and mops.

Afacan Plastik accepts respect for humans and environment, operating within the context of social responsibility in all its activities as the main and indispensable elements of its mode of rule.

Within 10.000 m2 factory area, AFACAN Plastik has a production volume of 30.000 products per day utilizing Plastic Injection Machines different dimensions and capacities. With its expert employees and engineers in the field, AFACAN Plastic aims to meet the demands and developments of the industry in abundance. R&D department and Mould Shop have been launched which allows us to reflect our innovative and constructive characteristics on our product designs. Mould Shop has experienced specialists working on injection mould manufacturers. Pad Printing Machine and Laser Printing Machine within Afacan Plastic make it possible to print on any product as per the customers’ demands. Each product manufactured is subject to quality assurance control to meet the demands of our customers at the highest level possible.

Afacan Plastik is officially registered with ISO 9001 Quality Management Certificate, ISO 14001 Environment Management System of International Standards Organization and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety certificates. Engineering plastics examined and certified by globally recognized standardisation bodies such as UL, ISO and ASTM are used in manufacturing processes in order to improve product quality.

Since 1980, our “Quality First” approach continues without a change and we share the pride of success as the result of working side by side with our suppliers.

Afacan Plastik, as one of the leading establishments of Turkey, aims to become a global brand that leads customer demands with products and services developed in all countries worldwide while shaping the Industrial Cleaning and Medical products industry, constantly improving, creating innovative, cost efficient and environmentalist differences.

Dreams we forged yesterday brought us where we are today, while the dreams we are forging today binds us to the future.

Afacan Plastik
“Quality First”


Afacan Plastik - A Form - Afacan Collection